Extend the service life of your odor control equipments optimizing their use only during the critical moments.
Odor control equipments are prone to clogging, as the gases treated are usually dirty. Streamlining equipment maintenance and repair processes presents an enormous opportunity for plant managers to reduce expenses.
With PrOlor your odor abatement equipments will need less maintenance as they will be used only during the time needed to avoid odor complaints.
I want to save on electricity!
Streamline the use of expensive reagents.
If you know well in advance if there will be an odor incident you can adjust the curve of temperature of your thermal oxidizer.
Minimize the volume of waste generated only when it is needed.
Extend the service life of your odor control equipments optimizing their use only during the critical moments.
Avoid the payment of environmental taxes linked to gas emissions of your plant, decreasing the amount of fuel that you burn in your thermal oxidizer.