"The neighbors blame me to be responsible for generating odors ALWAYS"

Get rid of the “memory effect”.

The memory effect is very common in odor conflicts. Lets imagine that your plant was traditionally responsible of odor complaints. However, a long time ago you solved these issues and your plant is not emitting odors anymore. If in any moment there is an odor incident in the community, they will immediately blame your plant, even if it is years since you solved the problem.


Use the backtrajectory module of PrOlor to overcome the “memory effect”. If your plant is not responsible for an odor, use as an argument our backtrajectory module.



I would like not to have odor incidents due to my plant operation.

"I would like not to have odor incidents due to my plant operation"

Use the backtrajectory module of PrOlor to overcome the “memory effect”.

"The neighbors blame me to be responsible for generating odors ALWAYS"

Reduce the time needed to stop and contain the associated risk.

"I am concerned about work-related accidents"

Keep your good company image and maintain the good relations with your neighbors.

"My company has build a good reputation among my clients/neighbors/citizens"

Think ahead to a time with new technologies.

"I want to become an industry 4.0."

Foster the sustainable production, making a more effective use of energy and materials.

"I want to be as committed to the environment as I am to our product/services and to our customers"

  • Uribitarte Kalea, Nº 6. Bilbao. Bizkaia. 48001. Spain
  • + 34 654 599 209
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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