Even if there is regulatory odor requirement in our facility, an appropriate odor management will lead to a good image of your company, less obstacles with environmental regulators and a good relationship with your neighbors.
In addition, any regulatory procedure with the environmental regulator will not be slowed down.
For example, when you apply to include a new process of your activity, there is a need for you to speed up the processing of the application. Months of delay in the concession of the permit, means major economic losses and sometimes cancellation of the whole projec
With PrOlor, you will avoid conflicts with the communities nearby and your corporate image will improve.
I would like not to have odor incidents due to my plant operation.
Use the backtrajectory module of PrOlor to overcome the “memory effect”.
Reduce the time needed to stop and contain the associated risk.
Keep your good company image and maintain the good relations with your neighbors.
Think ahead to a time with new technologies.
Foster the sustainable production, making a more effective use of energy and materials.