A case study of a rendering plant using PrOlor presented in the Conference NOSE 2016

We were very happy to present a case study of one of our clients in the specialist conference about odour management NOSE 2016. This conference took place in Ischia, Italy in November 2016. This event usually gathers some of the best International experts in odour management. This time we focused our presentation on the operational and economical benefits of using PrOlor in a real industrial plant.
PrOlor is not just a piece of software, PrOlor has grown along the years to be the first proved and tested solution to manage our odour impact and to accommodate the use of expensive reagents just for the moments that they are really needed.
This time we are proud to work together with our partners of Olfasense who presented a banner in this conference with our logo. They have over 30 years of experience in odour management and their expertise will be invaluable to improve further this solution and to reach new International markets. Thank you guys!